To ensure that the school can continue to offer a broad and relevant curriculum for all our children, regardless of their background, culture or ability, there needs to be a process to ensure admissions to Wren Spinney Community School reflect the school community and are in line with our funding agreement with the ESFA.
Each student is valued for who they are and what they bring to the school. We appreciate and celebrate the richness of diversity within the school community as well as the wider community. Through the work we do across the school on developing values, we actively promote the importance of respect, resilience, community and tolerance. Through this approach, students develop independence, confidence and integrity which prepares them for their future lives.
Northamptonshire Local Authority (LA) is the school admissions authority. In accordance with Northamptonshire (Northants) LA policy, all children and young people admitted to Wren Spinney Community School will have an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
All admissions will be dependent on places being available in the school and within the right learning peer group. In consultation with the LA, the Headteacher will comment on the appropriateness of the placement and the school’s ability to meet the child’s needs as outlined in the EHC plan. The primary need of any student at Wren Spinney Community School is a learning difficulty, which may be severe, complex or profound. Some students have additional needs such as ASD, ADHD, visual, hearing or multisensory impairment, a physical disability etc. Some students may have behaviours that can be challenging as a result of their learning difficulty or their additional needs.
The LA and school recognise the importance of parental choice and referrals will be considered from outside the school’s recognised catchment area. Where places are limited, the Headteacher and LA will prioritise referrals through discussions. All requests for places will be brokered through the Local Authority.
Requests for a place at Wren Spinney Community School should be made to Northants EHC Team.