Spiritual |
- Story Time – talk about feelings.
- Role play.
- Relaxation. Sensory Room.
- Art and Dance – Celebration Days – reflect on belief and religion, learn about themselves, others, and the world. Assembly - learn about themselves and others.
- Circle Time – talk about feelings.
- Physical well-being – therapies and well-being.
Moral |
- Story Time – understanding relationships.
- Art and Dance – Celebration Days.
- Assembly – celebrating achievements.
- Outdoor Learning – Know the difference between right and wrong. Look after our environment.
Social |
- Circle time – greetings and feelings.
- Sensory PE – Maypole dance, competitions, sports days.
- Art and Dance – Celebration Days, assemblies.
- Break – playground. Snack – Lunch together, making snack together.
- Skills for Life – School council, community visits.
- Assembly – weekly, Star of the week, values.
Cultural |
- Story Time – cultural stories.
- Music – from different cultures.
- Art and Dance – Celebration Days.
- Reading – texts from different cultures.
- Food Tech – foods from around the world.
- Skills for Life – voting for school council.
- Assembly – celebrate festivals.