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Sensory - Friends, Relationships & Community


Play Eq. I

Free Play and Sensory Play enables pupils to develop their play, social and regulation skills.  The sessions take into account individual levels of play and the social dimensions of play.

Wren Offer


Community Visit

Community visits entail visits and experiences for students in the local community, including local parks, and supermarkets. The visit enhances students’ educational experiences and enables them to make use of and become aware of their local community.


Relax / Massage offer opportunities for students to enhance well-being, forge trusting relationships with staff, reduce tactile defensiveness, and enable students to build on their ability to be calm and relaxed.


Parachute sessions offer the opportunity for communication and self-advocacy, build hand / eye coordination and fine and gross motor skills, and develop awareness of self and of others. The sessions also promote physical wellbeing and are a fun, enjoyable activity.


Leisure offers the opportunity for our students to make a choice about how they spend their time. A range of activities are offered, including play, physical activities, social opportunities and time to relax and self-regulate.