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The secret is out! ​​​​​​​

We’re thrilled to announce that Ofsted rated us OUTSTANDING when they visited last month!

The inspectors gave a glowing review across all areas of the school. The report says that the school “has created an environment where every pupil is nurtured, valued and supported to be as independent as possible”, and this is because “staff quickly form warm and caring relationships.”

It highlights that the “pupils’ personal development is exceptional” and goes on to say the “ambitious curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils and students develop their independence. …Expectations are high, no matter what pathway pupils are following.”

The inspectors also noted that “staff work as a team to decide how best to support pupils so they can make the best progress possible”.

As headteacher, I couldn’t be prouder of the students and staff in our Wren family. Wren Spinney aims to give every student the best possible education and preparation for adulthood, no matter what their learning challenges may be.

I’m delighted this Ofsted report recognises the quality and expertise of the team and how committed the staff are to providing the best school experience for every student. I also know how wonderful the students are. I’m delighted for everyone that their work has been recognised and I’m extremely proud of each and every individual involved in the school.