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Celebration Day - Black History Month

When is Black History Month, and what is it?

In the UK, Black History Month happens every October, although we will be celebrating through various activities into November. It gives everyone the opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture. People from African and Caribbean backgrounds have been a fundamental part of British history for centuries. However, campaigners believe their contribution to society has often been overlooked or distorted.

How is Black History Month celebrated in the UK?

When Black History Month first began, there was a big focus on Black American history. Over time, the event has prioritised black history and key black figures from the UK. E.g.
Walter Tull: the first black officer to command white troops in the British Army, and one of English football’s first black players. He played for Northampton town.

We will be celebrating Black History Month with a series of special events at school. Starting tomorrow with a group of African Drummers and ending after half-term with an acrobatic show!